how to find only PID value

When I run ps -aef | grep aaa.exe it gives out put

user  5091  5518   0 10:13:25 pts/1       0:00 grep aaa.exe
user  4647  2479   0 09:26:31 ?           0:25 /kk/zzz/user/xxx/bin/aaa.exe
user1  1111  2222   0 08:26:31 ?           0:25 /kk/zzz/user1/xxx/bin/aaa.exe

I need Only PID value ie 4647,1111

So how can I run in the command prompt

please have a try to this,
ps -ef | grep <value> | awk -F" " '{print $2}'

it displays PID value with PID of grep aaa.exe but I dont need PID value of grep aaa.exe and again When I stored it to a variable it stores all values ie PID,tty etc but I need only value to store in the variable without grep aaa.exe value ie only running aaa.exe value

Plz suggest


ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep 'aaa.exe' | awk '{print $2}'

also check if the pgrep command is useful for you


You can try with this command

ps -ef | grep "/aaa.exe " | awk -F" " '{print $2}'


Thanks Yogesh Sawant

Best use is pgrep ie ps -aef | grep aaa.exe