How to find memory size on solaris zone


How to find memory size on solaris zone? We have total 16 GB and have 3 zone, but not sure how to find memory size for each zone? Please help.

The amount of physical memory that a Zone uses cannot be constrained as it stands now, but Sun is working on a feature that will address this issue soon
however you can configure capped mem it like this:

zonecfg:my-zone> add capped-memory
zonecfg:zone:capped-memory> set physical=50m
zonecfg:zone:capped-memory> set swap=100m
zonecfg:zone:capped-memory> set locked=30m
zonecfg:zone:capped-memory> end

To change the max-swap resource do the following:

# prctl -n zone.max-swap -r -v 200M `pgrep -z <zone> init`To change the max-locked-memory resource do the following:

# prctl -n zone.max-locked-memory -r -v 100M `pgrep -z <zone> init`Changing the physical memory capping is a little different, you'll need to use the rcapadm command:

# rcapadm -z <zone> -m 100M

Later you can verify using
# zonecfg -z <zone>