How to find manufacture of laptop components?

Hi guys,

I want to buy a lenovo Z500 laptop and install fedora 19 on it. I want to know if there would be any problem with drivers. I looked at specification. it says for wireless communication it uses Intel Centrino Wireless N-2230. according to this link kernel supports it. The problem is there is no information on wired networking. How can I know what is the model of it?
Unfortunately most websites does not list the exact model of laptop components even the company itself. In general Is there any website that tells exact models?

Your best bet is google, to find discussion threads where others are using this same laptop. The 'lspci' output is what you're after.

This site used to compile such information:

You could also find a retail store that sells this model, and boot up a live CD in it, to capture the lspci output yourself.

Laptops are strange machines, lots of non-standard and proprietary stuff that you don't see on the desktop. You don't want to buy one unless you know for sure all the hardware will work for you. Another suggestion is to call the manufacturer and ask them for the full detailed specifications.

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More than likely it will use an Intel 82579LM chip. That is what the current generation of Lenovo laptops is using.

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Try lspci