How to find files only inside the subdirectories only?


I have a directory with two subdirectories and also have a code like below to search files modified in last 2 minutes.

[root@rn4001 clue]# ls
hello080909.txt  inbox  outbox
[root@rn4001 clue]# find . -type f -mmin +2

The above code just searches and finds files inside the current directory.

How to find files only inside the sub directories excluding the current directory ie i just want to find files inside the sub directories inbox and outbox not the current directory clue?


find ./*/ -type f -mmin +2

Something like this :

find `ls -l | grep ^d | awk '{ print $NF }'` -type f -mmin +2 ;

this with option depth...

find . -depth 2 -type f -mmin +2