How to find files by hours old?

I need to be able to do the following:

Find files in multiple directories that are 6 hours older than the current time?
I am using KSH
I tried mmtime but it was not a valid option

Any help would be great. Thank you!

Try mmin. In any case, check the manual on your system for find to see what options you have.

Also, if you're looking for files exactly six hours old, you may not find any. You may need to do -mmin +360 for files over six hours old, or -mmin -360 for files less than six hours old, depending on what you're trying to do.

One way:
assume it is 8:00 am - you want files six hours old and younger

touch -t $(date +%Y%m%d0200) ./dummy1   # six hours ago
touch -t (date +%Y%m%d%H%S) ./dummy2    # now
find /path -type f  \( -newer ./dummy1 -a ! -newer ./dummy2 \)

You can change the touch date clause for any value range you need.