How to find files and then copy them to another

I must write any shell script.
I want find files which have .txt extension and then copy them to other, whithout this extension, for example:
I found linux.out.txt file, and now it must be copy to new, linux.out.
So: linux.out.txt -> linux.out
ubuntu.config.txt -> ubuntu.config
I tried many solutions..

find directory -type f -name *.txt | sed 's/.txt//'>file.txt

and here i have good new file names in file.txt file, but how should i run cp command ? :frowning:
Any ideas ? HELP


Try This

find directory -name "*.txt" | while read FILE
        newfilename=`echo $FILE | sed 's/.txt//g' | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`
        mv $FILE directory/$newfilename

ls -1 out.txt | while read rec
mv $rec /your/destination/dir/${rec%.

I've seen this magic recently

find $SRC -type f -iname "*.txt" -exec sh -c 'dest=$2; cp "$1" "$dest/$(basename ${1%.*})"' {} {} $DST \;

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