How to extract last week data from a log


I have a log file (sync.log) in the following format.

05-14 05:34:56 INFO Hxxx Start: Id:xxx
05-14 05:45:32 INFO Hxxx End: Id:xxxx
05-19 11:23:21 INFO Hxxx Start: Id:xxx
05-19 11:34:45 INFO Hxxx End: Id:xxxx
05-20 02:09:47 INFO Hxxx Start: Id:xxx
05-20 02:36:03 INFO Hxxx End: Id:xxx
05-22 08:11:55 INFO Hxxxx Start: Id :xxxx
05-22 08:35:55 INFO Hxxxx End: Id:xxxx

I want to extract only current week data. Please let me know how could i get it?

(`date`=Thu May 22) So..i have to get only data from 05-16 only.....)


Try omething on these lines...

sed -n "/start pattern/,/end pattern/p" file

Sorry..i did not get you..can you explanin indetail.


Once you have the start and end pattern you can use sed or awk to print only records between pattern's.

To find the pattern's you should take a look over man date

Tip: To find the first date of this week use:

day_of_the_week=`date +%w`
day_of_the_month=`date +%d`
first_day_of_the_week=$((day_of_the_month - day_of_the_week))

Actually, i'm new to shell scripting ...i'm very confused with the syntax:

I would appriciate any of you could write the complete syntax(pattern's). Please do the needful.


For Linux this should do the job.

awk 'substr($0,1,11) > start' start="`date --date="7 days ago" "+%m-%d"` 00:00" data.file