How to extract data using UNIX shell script?

Hello All,

I am starting with UNIX. Any help is highly appreciated.

How to extract data using UNIX shell script? And how do you export data using UNIX shell scripts into Microsoft Excel format?

Thank you.

That depends on what data you are dealing with. There are many tools that can be used, such as sed, awk, grep, perl and more. To get it into an excel sheet, extract the data out into a flat file, and then directly open it in excel (space/tab or delimiter seperated).

Tool is ' Perl '.

Thank you.

Hello All,

If we want to export data to MS Excel, it's obvious that we are dealing with some table like structured data.

So no problem... make every record's fields are separated by a comma(,).
suppose if my shell script statement is print $value1","$value2","$value3 >> file.txt
and values are Sharma, 100 and PCS respectively then string that is written onto file.txt is Sharma, 100, PCS.

That's it.

Sharma PCS( :slight_smile: