How to execute PMCMD command in Unix?

Hi All,
I am trying to run the PMCMD commend to execute the informatica workflow but while executing from my home directory i am getting below error
ksh: pmcmd: not found

I executed from my server/bin directory too. I am getting the same error.

My commend is:

pmcmd startworkflow -sv ${ETL_ISERV} -d ${ETL_DOMAIN} -uv EZFEED_PMCMD_ID -pv EZFEED_PMCMD_PSWD -wait -f ${ETLFolder} ${ETLWorkflow} \
> ${INF_LOG_DIR}/${ETLWorkflow}.log.${dater} 2>&1

Any input is highly appreciated!!
Thanks in advance.

It means what it says -- the command isn't found. It's either not in PATH, or missing completely.

Try 'whereis pmcmd', it might be able to find it.

you have to run this command from informatica server folder>bin folder where pmcmd executable exists. the command will not run from other folders

Thank you Everybody..It worked fine.