How to do the Loadbalancing on NIS Server in Solaris 10 sparc

We set-up master/slave servers for NIS on Solaris10 Sparc. We are trying to synchronize them in such a way that if one server is down then other server would pick-up and also do load balancing. We are stuck on this part. Do you have any documentation or point to the documentation where we get some help in understanding how to sync master-slave NIS servers and also set-up for load balancing.

Any help on this is appreciated.

well I must confess I underestimated nis+ :slight_smile:

the tool: nisprefadm
nisprefadm(1M) � NIS+ utility to set server preferences for NIS+ clients (man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands) - Sun Microsystems

hopefully it will turn out useful in real world, we'd be grateful if you share some experience after your evaluation.