How to do logical AND and logical OR with grep

Hi can someone please help me on this.

I need to perform this code:

Grep any lines that meets the following criteria


I tried this code, but it didn't work

Grep-I "A &&B" | "A&&C" *.* [~/foldername]$

thanks in advance

you want this..

or... this..

here is an alternate way to do it with awk.

awk '/A/ && /B/ || /A/ && /C/' filename

try this also ...

egrep '(A)(B|C)' input_file


by the way i am using cygwin
awk '/A/ && /B/ || /A/ && /C/' filename didnt work

gawk '/A/ && /B/ || /A/ && /C/' filename didnt work

Basically any lines in the files that has A AND ( B OR C)

This is the input format

Line1 x y A
Line2 A z D
Line3 A B P
Line4 C A B

Desired output:
Line3 A B P
Line4 C A B

Many files and they are huge.. (200 to 300 Gbyes)

Is there any way that I can get the output in a most efficient (fast) way


thanks , but egrep didnt work for me

error message " egrep is not recognized as an internal or external command"

could this be , due to cygwin??

ya i think in cygwin only simple grep works.....

The awk solution should work, try to place the and statements between parenthesis:

awk '(/A/ && /B/) || (/A/ && /C/)' filename

i need the file names as well .. awk command doesnt gives the file names it only prints the lines.

i have many inputfiles

i need something like grep -i (/A/ && /B/) || (/A/ && /C/) *.*[~/foldername]

did you tried the the solution given by me....

This will give you the filename. Works on my system. I don't have cygwin to test.

awk '/A/ && /B/ || /A/ && /C/{print FILENAME,$0}' filename

hi vidyadhar85

your soloution works with a single input file.
I have around 100 files all in one folder...
is there any way where i can ref. a folder name instead of file name?


you can specify any no of files in place of filename like filename or filename*
but change grep to grep -i to get filename in which desired pattern is present..