How to do a simple multiplication inside a Jenkins pipeline

I have a jenkins pipeline in groovy and i have the following variables
y=0.2 * ${x}
but this is not working and getting message "WorkflowScript: 60: Environment variable values can only be joined together with ‘+’s. @ "

I tried with
def y = 0.2 * ${x}
def y = 0.2 * "${x}"

No luck
i am getting value x from jenkins input and would like to have value Y 20% of X

Any ideas ?

To be clear ( this is a contextually confusing post )

Where is this being attempted?
Somewhere else ( bash/ksh/csh/...)
A combination ( be explicit/ concise )

if its 'groovy' , try

cat eh.groovy
x = 100
y = 0.2 * x
// println y //uncomment if you want/need the result

groovy eh.groovy
groovy -e 'x=100;y=0.2*x; println y'

Its in Jenkins Pipeline script

can u supply the script please

I ran the following through jenkins ... , results at the end of this msg

cat pipeline.groovy 
pipeline {
  agent any
  stages {
    stage('rflopsyTest') {
      steps {
        script {
          def x = 100
          def y = 0.2 * x
          println "x: ${x}"
          println "y: ${y}"


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