How to display the files on screen

I connect via vnc to a linux computer.
after a logout, I cannot see the files on the screen (although i can see the screensaver).
I can open a terminal and see the files etc.

How can i see the files on the screen again?

By logging in again!!

VNC connects the remote machine to yours as though the VNC window were the monitor of the host. If you log out the gdm/kdm will display a login prompt and after a time it will display the screensaver. If you move the mouse and log in in the form you can open the files again.

Or I misunderstood your question entirely and you mean something else, in which case please explain the use case more clearly,

When I login again I can see the screensaver but not the files or anything else.
I can reach the files only through the command line

Are you logging out of vnc or the Linux gnome/kde/$preferred_window_manager session?

Well, tha logout that created the problem was not done by me.
I login/logout vnc (when I mean screensaver i literally mean "the image on the screen where one usually sees the files" - i hope this is not confusing. I just do not see the files or the recycle bin or or or)

It is confusing because, if you don't know what program you were using, it's awfully difficult for us to guess. We can't look back in time and see your computer from here. We don't even know what you mean by your "Screen saver".

Perhaps if you described it better than "sees the files".