How to Display M4000 XSCF IP from Solaris OS?

Hi All,

I have an Oracle M4000 server with Solaris 10 OS. I have access to Solaris root prompt.

But I don't know the XSCF IP of this server.

Is there any way to display XSCF IP from Solaris OS?

Read a little here:

DSCP: Domain to Service Processor Communication Protocol (The Secrets of Olympus)

Not exactly what you need but if your DSCP network is working, you can login to the XSCF via ssh from your Solaris domain and check the settings inside the XSCF (given you have the crendentials to login).

If nothing works and you have a serial line to the XSCF, you can use that to check the settings.


Thank you, i will try it. I have IP address of the DSCP (sppp0 interface).