How to detect key press in cgi shell script?

I want to detect key pressed in my .cgi web page, but it does not work even I found the code in other web site.

My code is :


#    PATH defination
# ================================================

if [ -r   $MAIN_CONFIG ]; then
        . $MAIN_CONFIG
        echo "$MAIN_CONFIG not found !!!"
        exit 1
#    Get external script function
# ================================================
#    parameters:        $1 : variable name
#                        $2    : the filename to be get from
#    Return variable name: "getDataRtn" - return request of $1 value
#   i.e.    getData "LAN1_IFACE" $MAIN_CONFIG
#            answer=$getDataRtn
if [ -r   ${WWW_SCRIPTS_LIB_PATH}/ ]; then
        . ${WWW_SCRIPTS_LIB_PATH}/
        echo "${WWW_SCRIPTS_LIB_PATH}/getData() not found !!!"
        exit 1

#    Get display language
# ================================================
    . ${WWW_MSG_PATH}/${Language}/DCapture
    . ${WWW_MSG_PATH}/${Language}/commsg
#    Main
# ================================================
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo "Pragma: no-cache"
echo ""
echo "<HTML><HEAD>"
echo "<meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8>"
echo "<TITLE>$msg010</TITLE>"
echo "</HEAD>"
echo "<BODY>"
ShowSubLogo "$msg010"

if [ "$CONTENT_LENGTH" != "" ]; then
    #if [ "$Stop" != "" ]; then
        killall tcpdump
        #ShowEndSucess "Capture Done!" "DCf_form"
read -s -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue..."
echo "Test"
echo "<br> </br>"
echo "<br> </br>"
echo "<form name=DbC_form method=post action=DCapturefile.cgi>"
echo "<input name=Start value=\"$msg020\" type=submit>"
echo "<br> </br>"
echo "</form>"
echo "</BODY></HTML>"

The red word is what I found, but the result in the web page running is print Test,
that means: it skip the read operation?

So, is there has another way to detect pressing key down?

My purpose is :

Press any key to execute the shell script.

The whole process is:

Press "Start" button, and transfer to another .cgi web page.
The web page is do the shell script :

/fs1/tcpdump/tcpdump -c 20000 -s 1500 -w $filename &

and it works fine.
But I want to do another shell script when user want to stop capture tcpdump.
So, all the resolution I think are:

  1. Detect key pressing, and if key pressed, do killall tcpdump.
    2.There is a button in the .cgi web(html code), click button, and execute the shell script: killall tcpdump .

But I do not know how to press a button to do shell script as well.

Or is there has the other way?

Any help appreciated.

CGI scripts run under HTTP and as such you cannot interact with them as you do with a standard script.

You could send a Javascript function to the client (web browser) that detected a key press and made a new request (HTTPRequestObject) to a separate script which returned the second part of your page, this response could then be set as the innerHTML of a div on the already loaded page.

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Thanks! I will try again.