How to delete some ipv6 routes?


How can i delete the following routes on my OpenBSD 4.1 system?

# route -n show (including only relevant ipv6-routes)
Destination        Gateway       Flags        Refs      Use         Mtu         Interface

::/104             ::1           UGRS         1         0           -           lo0
2002::/24          ::1           UGRS         0         0           -           lo0
2002:7f00::/24     ::1           UGRS         0         0           -           lo0
fe80::%sk0/64      link#2        UC           0         0           -           sk0
fe80::%lo0/64      fe80::1%lo0   U            0         0           -           lo0
ff01::%lo0/32      ::1           UC           0         0           -           lo0

It is the rest of the routing values that i didn't manage to remove after reading "man 8 route" so, will you please help me? :slight_smile:

Thank you,

I solved it. Here are some example solutions;

To remove ::/104 you type;

route delete -inet6 :: -prefixlen 104

To remove fe80::%sk0/64 you type:

route delete -inet6 fe80::%sk0 -prefixlen 24

To remove ff01::%lo0/32 you type:

route delete -inet6 ff01::%lo0 -prefixlen 32

Without any concern for the gateway. Yay. :slight_smile:

Hope this will help someone.

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