How to delete a data starting with a phrase in a table - SQL?

I am trying to remove some rows in a table, which are including a phrase at a defined column but i could not find the unique result for this.

What I wish to do is to remove all lines including http://xx.yy at link column

| id |   userid | statusid  |   name   | link                                                 	| notes   | 
|  1 |        1 |         1 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/","http:\/\/"]		| test1	  | 
|  2 |        1 |         1 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/xx.yy.zz","http:\/\/"]		| test2   | 
|  3 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/","http:\/\/"]		| test3   | 
|  4 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/","http:\/\/"]		| test4   | 
|  5 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/","http:\/\/"]		| test5   | 
|  6 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/","http:\/\/"]		| test6   | 
|  7 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/"]				| test7   | 

Table name is mytable,

I tried below command but no joy:

delete from mytable where link like '%["http:\/\/xx.yy%' ;

Maybe as datas in related cells were seperated by "," it is not functioning..

Expected result should be:

| id |   userid | statusid  |   name   | link                                                 	| notes   | 
|  1 |        1 |         1 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/","http:\/\/"]		| test1	  | 
|  2 |        1 |         1 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/"]					| test2   | 
|  3 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/"]					| test3   | 
|  4 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/"]					| test4   | 
|  5 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/","http:\/\/"]		| test5   | 
|  6 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/"]					| test6   | 
|  7 |        1 |         2 | sql-TEST | ["http:\/\/"]				| test7   | 

Thanks in advance

Not clear, your requirements are contradictory: you want "to remove all lines" (= rows in DB speak?), but in your expected result, the lines are still there but substrings of the link column have been have been eliminated.
And, the statement "it is not functioning" doesn't help either to determine what you're after.

For the second interpretation (based on your exp. result), you'll neet to UPDATE the table, not DELETE FROM it.

I'm sorry for the headache. I mean, i just need to remove each matching phrase from that each cell in each row but some cells have more than one data.
I'll try to do it with update command.
