How to cut line from certain position?

Hi Gurus,

I want to cut my file from 27th charactor to the end of line.

can anybody give some unix command to do this.

Thanks in advance

cut -c 27- file

u can use the command suggested by bartus11

cut -c 27- file

-c option is used to cut columns. give the starting column number from where you want to cut. you can specify a range using an hyphen(-).
for cutting a single column say only 27 use

cut -c 27 file

for cutting columns 27 to 31 use

cut -c 27-31 file

for cutting 27th and 29th column use

cut -c 27,29 file

for cutting columns from 27 till the last column an you dont know the column number then use

cut -c 27- file

if ypu dont specify the end column, it will cut till the line ends
if you want to cut from 1st column to 27th use

cut -c -27

If this need is in sh-script then builtin substring is also usable.

while read line
      #substr index start 0
done < inputfile