How to cut last 10 digits off

Hi I'm new to this. I need to cut off the last 10 digits from a line.
I've used awk {'print $4'} filename.txt | cut -c 32-42 but this does not guarantee only the last 10 characters.

Please help. Thanks.


If you are using BASH as shell. This would work.

while read line; do echo ${line:(-10)}; done < filename

Another way using awk(gawk)

awk '{LEN=length($0);print substr($0,LEN-9)}' filename

Other way:

ll=$(( hl - 10 ))
echo ${line}|cut -c-${ll}-${hl}

One otherway:

echo $line | awk '{print substr($0, length($0)-9)}'

Thanks guys. They all work. You guys are really good.