How to create short form for directories?

Hi Friends,

 Can you please tell me how to create short form for directories?


this is a directory: /usr/tmp/progs/scripts
when i give cd $short_name, it should take to the above path.

in which env setting do i have to set?



for bash at least:


should work - i.e. will let you cd to dir's within BASEDIR

or if that's not quite what you mean, use ln to make a link....

Use the link command ... it's easier.

are these commands scope is upto session?

i want that short_variable to be exist for any session..


I believe that the ln command would help solve your problem.

you could try using the following command:

ln -s /usr/tmp/progs/scripts <any name>

eg: ln -s /usr/tmp/progs/scripts ~/scrilink

so you can do : cd ~/scrilink

This is my first post in this forum. hope you find it useful.

but the ln is used to create a link for files r8?

i want to do it for directory.

if i give cd $tmp

it should take me to the diectory defined in the tmp variable.

If your scope is all sessions started by your user your users profile or environment file is the best place to define a variable.
For example if you use ksh those files would be .profile in your homedirectory or the file pointed to by the ENV variable.
There you could write

export short_name=/usr/tmp/progs/scripts

In case your scope is sessions of any user there are some global profiles - but I'd be careful when meddling with them.

yah i got it frnd... its working... tnk very much..

i have asked one more help.. please help me with that.its all about shell script.