How to create PDF documents from my word files?

Hi guys, I need to create PDF documents from my word files. How do I do it?

To keep the forums high quality for all users, please take the time to format your posts correctly.

First of all, use Code Tags when you post any code or data samples so others can easily read your code. You can easily do this by highlighting your code and then clicking on the # in the editing menu. (You can also type code tags


by hand.)

Second, avoid adding color or different fonts and font size to your posts. Selective use of color to highlight a single word or phrase can be useful at times, but using color, in general, makes the forums harder to read, especially bright colors like red.

Third, be careful when you cut-and-paste, edit any odd characters and make sure all links are working property.

Thank You.

The UNIX and Linux Forums

You need to create PDF files all the time or one-off? In the latter case you may want to go for online pdf converters, mostly free. In the former case, there is a myriad of PDF viewers and editors available. If you are running KDE you are probably set up correctly (doesn't KWrite offer PDF output?), GNOME may have something similar. If you are more technically inclined, check tcpdf. Hope this helps.

OOo converts Word to PDF natively.

There are some programming examples on how to do it via CLI, with installing a python script - here it is.