How to create metadb when there is no free slice

Hi All,

I have to do disk mirroring, for that I have to create a metadb as disk mirroring have to do with SVM. However I do not have any slice free for metadb.

What are the options? Please suggest

I believe you can put a metadb on an existing slice... there may be some restrictions with regards to some slices though.

are all slices used or is simply no space left to asign it to a slice?

first examine if any free space left: prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/cxtxdxsx.

if none left, borrrow some from swap partion, it needs to recreate swap partion

Space is available on slices, however I do not have any free slice which I can dedicate it only for metadb.

Kindly suggest me some thing where in I can use some the slice for metadb and also I can use it for other work I mean I should be in position to mount and work on..