How to create a shortcut for Openoffice?

Hello all,

I am facing some problem after installing the Openoffice in Solaris 10. The installation is successful but i cannot find any icon or shortcut on both Application and Desktop... please help me on this....

Right click on the desktop, select "Create Launcher" and fill the required fields.

I'd really appreciate knowing where you found OpenOffice for Solaris. I've spent days searching without as much as a hint of where its hiding.

How do I install - Apache Wiki

Doesn't help in the slightest

I've been tearing hair out in chunks trying to figure out all the missing bits in that stuff. Quite obviously the writer has never attempted to use the instructions contained therein or he would have realized itrs utterly useless.

i followed the instruction there and have installed successfully.

I notice you have Solaris 10 .... I don't recall having any problems with it either, however 11 is something else again. Seems like the OS is a big improvement but nobody even considered a user would want an office application.

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yeah ... absolutely right !
