How to create a grid file

Hi everybody:
I want to create a grid file for export to statistical program.
My aid is create a file with both rows, one row are x coordenates and other for y coordenates.
All grid obviousolly are same space.
the form that i want is this:

x=(400000 ........ 600000) and y=(4000000 ....... 4550000), the increment is 10000 and then appear a matrix like:

(600000,4550000)----------------(800000, 4550000)
. .
. .
. .
(600000,4000000)----------------(800000, 4000000)

The statistical program read the file for rows.
It's possible do it with awk, or it's better do it with other language.? :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance.

You could do this in awk, but that may not be necessary. It is possible to do this in sh/ksh as well.

When you say 'better' what exactly do you mean? A solution in awk is perfectly valid.