How to count the number of occurences of this pattern?

Hi all,

I have a pattern like this in a file:

123 4 56 789
234 5 67 789
121 3 56 789
222 4 65 789
321 6 90 100
478 8 40 789
243 7 80 789

How can I count the number of occurences of '789' (4th column) in this set...?

Thanks for all your help!

I gave it like this... Can anyone say me if this is correct!!!

cat <file> | awk '{print $4}' | grep '789' | wc -l

Please say me if there is any other easy way of doing this!


shorter version of the above suggestion..

awk '/789/ {print $4}' file|wc -l

Even shorter: :smiley:

grep -c '789' file

(Disclaimer: this fails for files with '789' showing up in columns 1 to 3 as well.)

not all the time! if the 1st column has the 789 then your logic will go wrong.. :slight_smile:

::EDIT:: Haven't read your disclaimer at first.. :slight_smile:

awk '{a[$4]++}END{print a[789]}' file

Thanks all...

#! /usr/bin/perl
open FH,"a.txt";
	my @tmp=split(" ",$_);
	my @arr=grep {$_==789} @tmp;
print $n;
awk '{num=gsub("789","",$0);n+=num}END{print n}' a.txt