How to count the length of fasta sequences?

I could calculate the length of entire fasta sequences by following command,

awk '/^>/{if (l!="") print l; print; l=0; next}{l+=length($0)}END{print l}' unique.fasta

But, I need to calculate the length of a particular fasta sequence specified/listed in another txt file. The results to to be printed in a csv file.
Therefore, please help me to do the same.
Thanks in advance.

Sorry mate without seeing sample of Input and expected output it is NOT possible to tweak a solution. So kindly do add sample of your Input_file(fasta file) and show us expected output file(.csv one) in CODE TAGS and let us know then.

R. Singh


I have a multi fasta sequences in unique.fasta as given below,


I need to count the length of following header's listed in id.txt as given below,


And the results(length) to be printed in csv file as shown below,

seq1   6
seq2   7

Hello dineshkumarsrk,

Could you please try following.

awk 'BEGIN{FS="[> ]"} /^>/{val=$2;next}  {print val,length($0)}'   Input_file

Output will be as follows.

seq1 6
seq2 7
seq3 4

2nd Solution: Or let's say your Input_file may end with a line which starting with > in that case if you want to print that remaining whose length value will be NULL try following.

awk 'BEGIN{FS="[> ]"} /^>/{val=$2;next}  {print val,length($0);val=""} END{if(val!=""){print val}}'   Input_file

3rd Solution: In case your seq lines may have spaces in them in that case my previous solutions may NOT give their full value so to get their full line values(without > ) use following.

awk '/^>/{sub(/^>/,"");val=$0;next}  {print val,length($0)}'   Input_file

OR to take care of scenario where your Input_file could be ending with > and seq string may have spaces in it try:

awk '/^>/{sub(/^>/,"");val=$0;next}  {print val,length($0);val=""} END{if(val!=""){print val}}'   Input_file

R. Singh

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Thank you singh,
Your command prints all the sequences. However, I need to print only few sequences length as listed in id.txt file. If I did not understand your commands properly, please let me know, where to include id.txt file in your command?

Oh ok, I was in impression that you want to print all seq strings length in a single Input_file, could you please try following now.

awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0];next} /^>/ && sub(/^>/,""){;found=val="";if($0 in a){val=$0;found=1};next} found{print val,length($0)} ' ids.txt  Input_file

Output will be as follows.

seq1 6
seq2 7

R. Singh

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Thanks singh for your time and help. It works.
Sorry, earlier i did a mistake, that's why i did not get output.

Another option to try:

awk 'NR>1{print $1, length($2)}' FS='\n' RS=\> OFS='\t' file
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If - as specified - you want the sequences in id.txt ONLY, amend scrutinizer's proposal like

awk 'FNR == NR {T[$1]; next} $1 in T {print $1, length($2)}' id.txt FS='\n' RS=\> OFS='\t' unique.fasta
seq1    6
seq2    7

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is it possible to print the order as same as id.txt. The command works fine, but the order has been changed. For example, id.txt file listed the headers as follows,


Where as my unique.fasta file has the sequences in the following order,


But, the command print seq2 length first followed by seq1 as shown below.

seq2     7
seq1      6

Therefore, is it possible to keep the order as same as id.txt.

--- Post updated at 09:43 AM ---

Dear singh,
Is it possible to print the order as same as id.txt. The command works fine, but the order has been changed. For example, id.txt file listed the headers as follows,


Whereas, my unique.fasta file has the sequences in the following order,


But, the command print seq2 length first followed by seq1 as shown below.

seq2     7
seq1    6

Therefore, is it possible to keep the order as same as id.txt.

Well, yes, try

awk '
FNR == NR       {T[$1] = length($2)
                {print $1, T[$1]
' FS='\n' RS=\> OFS='\t' unique.fasta RS="\n" id.txt

This has been tested for exactly your setup; for larger or more complex data there may be hickups. Give it a try and report back.

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Hello dineshkumarsrk,

Could you please try following.

awk '
  a[val]=(a[val]?a[val] OFS:"")length($0)
($0 in a){
  print $0,a[$0]
'  Input_file  id.txt

R. Singh

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Dear rudic
It works perfectly. But, it prints "0" at last column.
Though it is not a issue at all, but I am reporting the same for your reference.

--- Post updated at 11:52 AM ---

Dear Singh,
It works perfectly fine.

Surprising. This is what I get from your sample data:

seq1    6
seq2    7

Please show your results...


A few thoughts on this from a person who does not know much about FASTA-format files. My impression is that the sequence after the >ID line often spans many lines. There are some utilities that are designed to work with such files (and even the more complex formats : FASTA format - Wikipedia )

One such is fastagrep which in one part of a group of perl utilities at: GitHub - rec3141/rec-genome-tools . These appear to be somewhat old, but fastagrep worked for me as shown below.

For those wishing to do more in perl , see the search for fasta at Search for "fasta" - , seeing the BIO and FASTA collections.

However, one may often want to use awk , so I put together a small template that could be used for elementary processing, like getting the length of a sequence. Functions can do some of the work, are easily added, and two are included to see how they can work.

The last example illustrates the modularity of using fastagrep to filter the desired IDs which are then piped into the awk code:

!/usr/bin/env bash

# @(#) s1       Demonstrate awk template for reading FASTA files.

pe() { for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done; printf "\n"; }
pl() { pe;pe "-----" ;pe "$*"; }
em() { pe "$*" >&2 ; }
db() { ( printf " db, ";for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done;printf "\n" ) >&2 ; }
db() { : ; }
C=$HOME/bin/context && [ -f $C ] && $C awk


pl " Input file $FILE:"
head -25 $FILE

pl " Results, $FG extracted lines from $FILE:"
fastagrep 'seq1|seq2' $FILE

pl " Results, awk print from $FILE, awk FASTA template:"
awk '
function fformat(id, sequence)
  printf ">%s\n", id
  while (length(sequence) >= 60) {
    print substr(sequence, 1, 60)
    gsub(/^.{60}/, "", sequence)
  if (length(sequence) > 0) { print sequence }
function operate(id, sequence)
  print id, length(sequence)
  id = substr($1, 2)
  sequence = ""
$0 ~ /^>/ {
  fformat(id, sequence)
  # operate(id, sequence)
  id = substr($1, 2)
  sequence = ""
  sequence = sequence $0
END { fformat(id, sequence) }
# END { operate(id, sequence) }


pl " Results, fastagrep and print length with \"operate\" function:"
fastagrep 'seq1|seq2' $FILE |

exit 0


$ ./s1 data3

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 3.16.0-7-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian 8.11 (jessie) 
bash GNU bash 4.3.30
awk GNU Awk 4.1.1, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 3.1.2-p3, GNU MP 6.0.0)

 Input file data3:

 Results,  extracted lines from data3:

 Results, awk print from data3, awk FASTA template:

 Results, fastagrep and print length with "operate" function:
seq1 6
seq2 100

The ./s0 above is essentially the awk-template using the operate function.

More details on fastagrep :

fastagrep       extract sequences from a multi-FASTA file by regex. (what)
Path    : ~/bin/fastagrep
Version : fastagrep version 0.3
Length  : 392 lines
Type    : Perl script, ASCII text executable
Shebang : #!/usr/bin/env perl
Home    : GitHub - rec3141/rec-genome-tools (doc)
Modules : (for perl codes)
 strict 1.08
 warnings       1.23
 Getopt::Std    1.10
 IO::File       1.16
 Data::Dumper   2.151_01

Best wishes ... cheers, drl

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