How to copy a binary from one server and paste it to another server?

How to copy a binary from one server and paste it to another server?
Please help...

On server A there is a binary with size 0...I need to copy a binary from server B and replace the 0 size binary on Server A.

Kindly Help

You can use: samba, scp, sftp, ftp, tape, USB thumb drive, CD/DVD drive.

What exactly are the two systems? Please show the output of

uname -a

run on serverA and serverB. As it stands now in this thread, your question is as useful to us as my answer is to you. We need lots of details to help. I am guessing both are the same version of Solaris... maybe on the LAN.

Yes you are correct both the systems are solaris and on LAN

serverA# scp -p serverB:/path/to/binary /path/to/binary


serverB# scp -p /path/to/binary serverA:/path/to/binary
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