how to convert this to a loop

I have a list of files in the same directory need to do the following

cut -d "=" f2 file1 > file1_result
cut -d "=" f2 file2 > file2_result

past file1_result file2_result .... >file_sum

How to do this in a loop? Thank you.

Do you mean:

cut -d "=" -f2 file1 > file1_result
cut -d "=" -f2 file2 > file2_result

paste file1_result file2_result .... >file_sum

What is the maximum number of input files ?
Is there any way that the files called file* can be in a different directory from the files called file*_result ?

Yes, you are right with the red colored correction.

total input files is about 10-20 files

Yes, file* can be in different directory for file*_result.

Do you have any idea how to proceed using loop? Thanks a lot

mkdir output
for FILE in input/*
        # Strip input/ from FILE to make OUTNAME
        OUTNAME=$(basename "$FILE")
        # Cut reading from $FILE writing to output/${OUTNAME}
        cut -d "=" f2 "$FILE" > "output/${OUTNAME}"

paste output/* > file_sum
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