How to convert tab delimited file to .csv file


Can any one please help me in converting a tab delimited file in .csv file.

Records in my file are similar to mentioned below:

DET 001 0201 AC032508970 01478E1X8
DET 002 0202 AC032508971 01478E1X8

Could any one please suggest me what approach would be more suitable for this or if there is any direct method to convert flat file to .csv file.

Thanks and Regards,

That's pretty easy. Awk would seem a likely candidate, but printing double-quotes in older AWKs can be difficult. If that's a problem for you, let us know.

awk -F'\t' '{ for (n=1; n <= NF; ++n) { if (n>1) printf(","); printf("\"%s\"",$n); } print ""; }'

Since this also quotes numbers, some of the columns might need to be converted to numeric. But generally, that's not the case.

as usual, tr is your friend:

tr ' ' ';' < inputfile > outpufile

..if you want to check first

cat inputfile | tr ' ' ';'

..and if the file is actually tab deliminates use

tr '\t' ';' < inputfile > outputfile

Except that he needs commas, not semi-colons. Also, fields with commas will need to be double-quoted. It occurred to me that a much simpler version can be given with sed:

sed -e 's/^/"/; s/$/"/; s/\t/","/g;'

The following script using awk fails in the first line of each csv file, what can i do to fix the problem?
# Generating

in a for-loop, using "globbing"


for file in *
# ^ Bash performs filename expansion
#+ on expressions that globbing recognizes.
ls -l "$file" # Lists all files in $PWD (current directory).
# Recall that the wild card character "*" matches every filename,
#+ however, in "globbing," it doesn't match dot-files.

# If the pattern matches no file, it is expanded to itself.
# To prevent this, set the nullglob option
#+ (shopt -s nullglob).
# Thanks, S.C.

echo; echo

for file in *xyz
awk -v dir=$PWD 'FS = "," {print NR";", $1";", $2";",$3";", FILENAME";", dir }' "$file" > $file.csv # Creates csv files in $PWD.
echo "Created file \"$file.csv\"".


exit 0

I got it
awk -v dir=$PWD 'BEGIN { FS="," } {print NR";", $1";", $2";",$3";", FILENAME";", dir }'