How to convert string to a tree like listing?


Is anyone able to advise how to do this?

I only have tree 1.6 and I don't think tree works anyway in regards to accepting a string and parsing it to create a hierarchical tree listing.

I want to be able to convert C:\Users\mickey\tmp\Scratchpad.txt to a tree list of some sort like below:

 +--+ \mickey
    +--+ \tmp
       +-- \Scratchpad.txt

And for /home/mickey/tmp/Scratchpad.txt to be like below:

 +--+ /mickey
    +--+ /tmp
       +-- /Scratchpad.txt

At the moment, doing it manually :frowning:

Even as simply like below would be nice :slight_smile:

== \mickey
==== \tmp
====== \Scratchpad.txt

== /mickey
==== /tmp
====== /Scratchpad.txt

Using tree, it always just print the current directory as dot (.) Can't get it to print the current directory instead

is this on Windows ?

A simple one:

find "$PWD" | awk -F'[\\/]' '{for(i=1;i<NF-1;i++)printf "| "; if(NF>1)printf "+-- "; print $NF}'

A variant:

find "$PWD" | awk -F'[\\/]' '{for(i=1;i<NF;i++)printf "=="; if(NF>1)printf " "; print $NF}'

A full path in tree:

tree "$PWD"

another (there's many ways...)

cat treeMe.awk
	for ( fld=2; fld <= NF; fld++){
		printf("%s%s%s\n",fld == 2 ? $(fld-1): "", FS , $fld  )
		if ( fld+1 > NF )
		printf(" %s|\n%s +--+ ", spaces, spaces )
		spaces=(spaces "   ")

echo "C:\test\my\printing\example.txt" | awk -F'\\' -f treeMe.awk
 +--+ \my
    +--+ \printing
       +--+ \example.txt

echo "/test/my/printing/example.txt" | awk -F'/' -f treeMe.awk
 +--+ /my
    +--+ /printing
       +--+ /example.txt

echo $PWD | awk -F'/' -f treeMe.awk
 +--+ /munke
    +--+ /code
       +--+ /scripts
          +--+ /test
             +--+ /myTree
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