How to convert ip to DSL provider company name?

I am not sure this question is totally related to scripting.
What I want to do is to match ip addresses with DSL provider company.
It should extract ip addresses from log file (which is no problem) and ask the script to search each ip in regional internet registries source webpage. Output will be the list of each ip and corresponding dsl/hosting provider company name.
Normally I manage this process manually. I check each ip on by one at ripe . net

Please let me know if there is a possibility

Thanks in advance

You might use the DNS SOA info for the IP or domain name of their hosts, like the DNS server they give you or router closest.

Use a command line web browser e.g. lynx or wget to query the database at the address you provided, and then grep / awk to extract the info required.

could you please share a sample code ?
I could not understand how we can get the result

wget "http://url/index.html"
extract_information_from index.html

Try e.g.

lynx -dump\&source=RIPE | grep descr
descr:           Public pool for mobile Internet users

and provide the IP address you want to query...