How to convert a 2 digit to 4 digit

Hi All,

How can i convert a number 24 to 0024
In the same way how can i convert 123 to 0123?
All this has to be done inside a script

Thanks in advance

If you have printf, that's the ticket.

vnix$ printf '%04i\n' 24

If you don't have it in the shell, try awk.

echo 24 | awk '{ printf "%04i\n", $0 }'

if you would like the transformed value inside the same variable then you could use

one=`printf "%04i" $one`

$ typeset -R4Z tmp
$ tmp=23
$ echo $tmp

Hi All,

I have a file in teh format given below:

catanimal 0 animal 90 number90 cat_number_name
catanimal 1 animal 91 number91 cat_animal_name
catanimal 2 animal 92 number92 cat_name_animal

kiwiani 0 bird 90 number90 kiwi_number_name
kiwiani 1 bird 91 number91 kiwi_animal_name
kiwiani 2 bird 92 number92 kiwi_name_animal

cat 0 animal 90 number90 cat_number_name
cat 1 animal 91 number91 cat_animal_name
cat 2 animal 92 number92 cat_name_animal

bat 0 animal 90 number90 bat_number_name
bat 1 animal 91 number91 bat_animal_name
bat 2 animal 92 number92 bat_name_animal

When i use awk '$1 ~ /bat/ {if ($2==0){print $5} } ' file , i get the
result i want
But if i give awk '$1 ~ /cat/ {if ($2==0){print $5} } ' file, I get
result for $1=cat and $1=catanimal where as i want the result for only $1="cat"

Thanks in advance

awk '$1 ~ /^cat / {if ($2==0){print $5} } ' file,

Or use equality (==) instead of pattern matching (~). The ~ operator will match the pattern anywhere in the field.

awk '$1 == "cat" && $2 == 0 { print $5 }' file

aju_kup's solution to use a better pattern is of course a perfectly good solution as well; just pointing out an alternative which may be more convenient in some situations.