how to connect to Cisco switch from Ubnutu


I installed Ubnutu on my old laptop which does have COMM port, I want to connect to Cisco switch, I have Cisco cable connected to laptop.

On Windows, I usually bring up "Hyper Terminal" how do I do it here?

Please advice. Thanks.

Try minicom (command line utility)

If your laptop has X11 running I'd suggest putty instead. It's much easier to configure and use than minicom.

you can just use the telnet client.

PuTTY runs on Windows, not X11, and works only for SSH/Telnet connections. Telnet itself only works for IP networks. Both are no good if you want to connect over a serial line (which you have to use if you want to do basic configuration on Cisco hardware)

thats not right... putty also works on linux and has serial capabilities!\+source/putty

I stand corrected, didn't know that.

The serial capabilities are a relatively recent feature that people had been demanding (and patching in themselves) for years and years.