how to connect from one server to another


using ssh [putty], i login to this server [server1]

being on this server, i would like to connect to server [server2] so i did the following:

mike@server1:~/tmp> ssh mike@server2 echo test >> /tmp/mike.txt

the above didn't complain and executed

on server2, i can not find mike.txt file under /tmp

can someone help pls?


But you should find it under /tmp on server1.

Try quoting the command (including the redirection) to make the whole thing run on server2:

ssh mike@server2 "echo test >> /tmp/mike.txt"
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Thanks. it works with ""

instead of coping the file, now i have to execute a command on server2. i did the following but nothing start on server2

mike@server1>ssh mike@server2 ". ~/.profile /local/home/mike/software/bin/start"

any help would be really appreciated

Does ~mike/.profile on server2 accept arguments?

/local/home/mike/software/bin/start is one in the example you quote.

    Local Command (ssh)          Remote Command       Args to Remote Command
              |                      |                     | 
              |                      |                     |
     --------------------        ----------         ----------------- 
mike@server1>ssh mike@server2 ". ~/.profile /local/home/mike/software/bin/start" 

Perhaps you meant:

mike@server1>ssh mike@server2 ". ~/.profile && /local/home/mike/software/bin/start"


mike@server1>ssh mike@server2 ". ~/.profile; /local/home/mike/software/bin/start"

Furthermore, what is /local/home/mike/software/bin/start? Is it a daemon? Does it live on when you logout of server2 normally?

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I haven't tried the corrected syntax which you have provided. Thats no a daemon. its a script which start something.

The goal is:

1) connect to server2
2) cd to this location /local/home/mike/software/bin
3) run this command "start"

.profile is a file on a server which contains env variables with full path. one of the env variable in .profile is as follows

