How to connect database in TC

Anybody please help me how connect a database file in TC for windows.


Senthil. K

Turbo C? It's not possible in Windows. TC is 16 bit DOS, so it can't link to
windows dll's.

If you are trying to read something like dBase files, you will have to write your own routines.

Thanks, will you please help me in which 'c' version i do connect data base.

senthil K

If you want to use ODBC Visual C++ allows access via COM.
Some databases provide an API or a precompiler for regular C. Oracle and Sybase provide this - they call windows drivers for you. You write a Windows wrapper for in any language these calls. Or use a product like Oracle forms to create windows.

To give a good answer to you -
What db are you using?
Is the PC a client or is the DB server resident on the PC?
What database?

Thank you, and i am using visual foxpro database i.e.(.dbf files)

Anybody please guide me or provide me that the c running in Unix/Linux.

Help me please.

Warm regards,

Senthil K