How to connect a 4TB G-Raid hard drive to a laptop?

I am having trouble connecting my 4TB G-Raid Hard drive to my Compaq Hp laptop can anyone tell me how or what I need in order to connect the 4T and getting it working.

would be nice to know, what is THE trouble you have!? doesn't the plug (which do you use?) fit? didn't the drive show up in the os (which os do you use)?

we need all possible information in order to help you!

The hard drive came with a USB cable, two FW800 cables, and a eSATA cable but the laptop only has a port for a USB.

What operating system have you on your laptop? Are you trying to boot off this device or just use it as additional storage?

I want to use it as additional storage so I can transfer information off of my other two hard drives on to it. The operating system on my laptop is windows 7. I have even tryed connecting the hard drive to my desktop with failer as well. Will I need to get a cable that will connect to the FW800 or the eSATA cable so that way I can connect it to my labtop for use?

not realy... but you never told us what the problem is... we need more/all possible information. all you say is: external disk... not working... need help...

is it a new storage? does it need configuration (because it is a RAID system)? are there error messages? and so on...?!?!

Its new and I can only connect it to the laptop or desktop though USB and that doesn't work at all. I am wondering if I need to connect it some how with the FW800 or eSATA cable and see if that will work.

you have to reformat the drive to use it with windows... it is formated for use with os x.

from the g-tech website:

The computer shows it in the devices and printers but I can't do anything with it though USB. I can go to G-RAID properties but when I go to volumes for it it is blank on all fields I tryed updating the driver but the computer says that the best software is already installed.

---------- Post updated at 02:45 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:43 AM ----------

My operating system is 32-bit windows 7

so... all is said. you can't use it as a full 4TB volume. you need to repartion the drive to smaller pieces and format the new partions with ntfs.

I had to download mac drive for windows in order to open up the hard drive and now waiting as it is formatting for window 7 use

---------- Post updated at 03:28 AM ---------- Previous update was at 03:26 AM ----------

It failed once already for quick format so I unclicked quick format and now waiting again