how to configure my network to use the internet

i have a router from my isp provider 02. my internet works fine in windows but i am unable to use internet in solaris. when i tried ifconfig command
i was able to see the lo0 which is my laoopback adapter. pls can someone advice.

You should have a dhcp configured. Should not have any static IP. Where's your proxy pointing to?

lo0 is the loopback interface. this can't be used for ip traffic! if you are on solaris 10 try to look with "dladm show-dev" for your nic. if no nic is shown, you may need a driver for your nic!

pls how do i get this driver

download it from the vendor of your nic...

First check what NIC its using..

Thanks i have found this driver to be iprb. My internet is now working but each time restart my computer i loose this connection. i will have to issue the route add default command.

I know I don't have to go through this pls can someone help.

put the router ip in "/etc/defaultrouter"