How to compile and run the ProC (*.pc) program?

Hi Team,

I am very new to this forum and hope someone will help me in resolving the issue.

I am new to Pro C also.

I made some changes to the existing Pro C program and want to run the program with the changes.

But I am unable to neither compile nor run the program.

Please do the needful.

Thanks in advance!!

If all you're going to tell us is "I changed something and it stopped working.", the obvious solution to your problem is to undo the changes you made.

If you would like to:

  • tell us what your program used to do,
  • (if possible) show us the code as it existed before you made changes to it,
  • tell us what you now want it to do,
  • show us the code that won't compile, and
  • show us the diagnostics produced by Pro C when you try to compile your program,

then we might be able to help you.

It might also help to know what operating system you're using and what version of Pro C you're using.


Thanks for ur reply Don.

1) Program is used to check the data from the db tables, then based on validation, it creates a flat file.
2) As I am new to this code, I want to debug the code by adding the comments in the program.
3) Is there any standard process for compiling the pro c program.

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