how to compare file sizes


ls -l * | sed 's/[ \t ]\+/ /g' | cut -f5 -d " " >out1
ls -l * | sed 's/[ \t ]\+/ /g' | cut -f5 -d " " >out2

diff out1 out2

i tried this it will work fine and i can see difference

but i need a script which should neglect, if the difference b/w files is small


it should display if difference is too large


use du command for both the files and then compare


read size1 junk < <(du -bcs * | tail -1)
read size2 junk < <(du -bcs * | tail -1)

gives you the total of all files in the folder in bytes.
You can compare them with:

[[ $size1 > $size2 ]] && echo "$size1 is greater than $size2" || echo "$size2 is greater than $size1


HTH Chris

thanks chris

it gives total file size of all files

i need to compare line by line with two files

thanks revenna

This should enable you to do what you want.

while read size1 junk1 <&4
  read size2 junk2 <&5
  [[ $size2 -eq $size1 ]] && echo "size is equal"
done \
  4< <(du -b *) \ 
  5< <(du -b *)

thanks cris