how to combine 2 lines in same files based on any text


I want to combine two lines in same file. If the line ends with '&' it should belongs to previous line only
Here i am writing example.

line 1 : return abcdefgh&
line 2 : ijklmnopqr&
line 3 : stuvw&
line 4 : xyz

output should be
line 1: return abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

joint based on '&' .
Thanks in Advance

Added some lines as example to show it will not append other lines below:

$> cat infile
more bla
$> sed -e :a -e '/&$/ {N; s/&\n//}; ta' infile
more bla

Try this,

cat <Filename> | xargs -E '&' | sed 's/& //g'

why is xyz joined together then?

HI ramesh SRK,

Thank you. "cat <Filename> | xargs -E '&' | sed 's/& //g'" this is working. But still some problem... But some problem.
here i ll expalin with example

line 1 : abcdefgh&
line 2 : ijklmnopqr&
line 3 : stuvw&
line 4 : xyz

Ur script output : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.

line 1 : return abcdefgh&
line 2 : ijklmnopqr&
line 3 : stuvw&
line 4 : xyz
line 5 : lalalala

then output should come
line 1 : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
line 2 : lalala

but evrything is coming in a single line
line 1 : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzlalala

please help me ....

Did you ignore my answer? It does exactly what you asked now the 2nd time. :confused: I just forgot to add the word "return" in the first line but it doesn't matter generally and can be added. Result should be the same.

Don't want to sound rude, just wondering.

sorry Zaxxon....I am not much familiar with shell scripting. Just learning now. I dont know exact use of "sed" command. I just copied ur code and tried here . :slight_smile:
But error coming "sed: command garbled: /&$/ {N; s/&\n//}; ta"

I couldnt fix this error.

An approach with awk:

awk '/&$/{sub("&$","");printf $0;next}1' file

Ok :wink: For the sed thing you might try to use GNU sed if available on your OS.

hi Zaxxon,

ur script is working only when i give like below format
sed -e :a -e '/&$/ {
> N
> s/&\n//
> }
> ta' infile
But if i give

" sed -e :a -e '/&$/ {N; s/&\n//}; ta' infile"
can u tel me what was the problem for above line?
I tried different different cases...

"sed -e :a -e '/&$/ { N; s/&\n//;}; ta' infile"
above line gives output only first iteration
that means it checks '&' only once.

$> cat infile
more bla

OUTPUT coming like this
more bla

NOTE : Im using solaris...gsed command not there..

thanks in advance.......

At first:
Please use CODE-tags when you display code, data or logs. It really enchances readability, formatting and preserves special characters. It could happen that you might get a warning or a charge on bits of your forum account if you proceed like that :wink:

:a is a label and as long as the condition is true ie. the last character in the line is a & it should start over at the label :a. :ta just says "if-true-go-to-a.

I am not sure but I have something similar on AIX where I have only a plain sed. It seems it is expecting the commands inside the curled bracket one per line. Here the problem I get like you got:

> sed -e :a -e '/&$/ {N; s/&\n//}; ta' infile
sed: 0602-404 Function /&$/ {N; s/&\n//}; ta cannot be parsed.

Here changed so it is working:

$> sed -e :a -e '/&$/ {
> N
> s/&\n//
> }
> ta' infile
more bla
undef $/;
my @arr=split(/(?:[^&])\n/,$str);
map {s/&[^:]*:\s*//g} @arr;
print join "\n", @arr;
line 1 : return abcdefgh&
line 2 : ijklmnopqr&
line 3 : stuvw&
line 4 : xyz
line 1 : return abcdefgh&
line 2 : ijklmnopqr&
line 3 : stuvw&
line 4 : xyz
line 1 : return abcdefgh&
line 2 : ijklmnopqr&
line 3 : stuvw&
line 4 : xyz