How to check the software is 32 bit or 64 bit?

How to check the installed OHS web server is 32 bit or 64 bit on OLE 5.4 (64 bit) OS

I am not familiar with OLE 5.4.

If this is Red Hat then cd to the web server installation directory, find an executable file

file [filename goes here]

This will tell you 64bit or 32bit ELF

You could also run "rpm -qi" against the OHS package if it was installed using an RPM package.

What's OHS? Oracle HTTP Server? If yes, it's 32-bit.

Thanks Jim. Its worked even in OEL.

It'd be great if I even knew what OEL was....

OEL is Oracle Enterprise Linux.

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Well, if you have the package with you, you can use the "rpm -qi" command as suggested. If it's in a Yum repository, you can check the same with "yum info pacakge_name". By default, yum installs 64 bit versions of packages for a 64 bit system.

But, if you do not have access to both of them, and if you know the executable ELF binary file which is being used by the web service deamon (you should know this as an SA), you can do a simple "file" command on that and will see output similar to the below if it's a 64 bit ELF (which necessarily comes from a 64 bit version of the package):

/some/binary ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, stripped