How to check ILOM server temperature


I'm a beginner at Unix who has a lot of questions every day.

Today, I am writing again because I was curious about how to check the temperature of the server in ILOM.

Thank you for your help every time.

Best regards.

hi, do you have access to system documentation ?(if so, search there first beforehand - it could save you a lot of time)

try here for starters

this may also be of use

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You're welcome! I'm happy to help with your questions about Unix.

To check the temperature of a server in the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM), you can use the sensors command. This command will display the current temperature readings for various sensors in the server, including the temperature of the CPU, motherboard, and other components.

Here's an example of how you can use the sensors command to check the temperature of your server:

  1. Connect to the ILOM of your server using a terminal emulator such as ssh or telnet.
  2. Once connected, log in using your ILOM username and password.
  3. Run the sensors command to view the current temperature readings for your server.

For example:

ilom> sensors
CPU Temperature: 37 C
Motherboard Temperature: 34 C
Power Supply Temperature: 37 C

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


thank you !!


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