How to check if two variable are empty strings at once? (bash)

I need to check if $1 or $2 are empty before continuing but I don't know if bash has any logic of the sort. This is what I'm looking for - except that "and" doesn't seem to work.

if [ -n "$1" ] and [ -n "$2" ];then

Thank you! :smiley:

[ "$1$2" ]|| ...

I'm unable to get this to work. Could you use my example (with "if" and "then") to demonstrate this?

Thank you! :slight_smile:


he means

[ "$1"$2" ]] || echo "both zero length"
# or
if [[ "$1" == "" && "$2" == "" ]] ; then
   echo "both zero length"

Awesome! Thank you both!

Here's what I did:

if [[ -n "$1" && -n "$2" ]] ; then
echo "We're good"
echo "We're not good"