How to check day name is it saturday in bash shell script?

How to check the day name,is it saturday in bash shell script.

If dayname = saturday then
run the full load
run just the incremental loads
end if

Thank you very much for the helpful information.

I would just use a scheduler to do that. For example cron understands weekdays. The you do not need to check the date inside the script. You can have two command line options for full and incremental if you want to use the same script for both operations.

You mean "today's long dayname", as printed by locale day ? Does it have to be the long day name, or would the day-of-week number (6) do?
Read the man date page for its options...

I have the following with in my existing bash shell file.

#here the below impala shell command only to be executed if day is saturday dayof week=6
if [$ date +%w]=6 then
  impala-shell -i $HOST_NAME --ssl -q "DROP TABLE $CURR_TAB_QUAL PURGE" 2>>$LOG_FILE

  if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
    log_message "Dropped $CURR_TAB_QUAL Successfully"
    log_message "Drop of $CURR_TAB_QUAL Failed. Continuing" #Drop failed, still ignore and continue???

Thank you very much for the helpful info.

First off: post your OS and shell versions so people in here know what they are dealing with. Assuming bash for now.

Your question is way from clear. Are you saying that your day-of-week check doesn't work and you need it controlled / corrected?

If so: your [ (synonym for the test command / builtin) syntax is wrong, as is the "command substitution" syntax. Try

if [ $(date +%w) = 6 ]; then 

If this is not sufficiently helpful info, carefully rephrase your request.