how to change the boot sequence?

Hi all,

I have solaris and xp installed...
Usually solaris occupies the first boot slot.
So i wanted to know if it is possible to change the boot sequence to xp first and then solaris?

would be nice to know which bootmanger you use...

what DukeNuke is saying is, you hav't provided enough information, such as have you installed a boot manager, and, cruclially, have you installed Solaris after Windows

Solaris 10 included the GRUB Boot Manager, which you can edit via /boot/grub/menu.lst (That the LInux version path at least)

More Info required

I have not installed any boot managers and yes, i did install solaris after xp

on the same topic, how do i edit the boot sequence on Mac's Tiger OS

any help appreciated

The boot loader only boot one O/S, there is no sequence.
If you mean you want Windows to be boot by default instead of Solaris, just change the default entry in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file:

# default menu entry to boot
default 3

Beware that numbering starts at zero with grub.