how to change font in mailx

I am writing sql reports to an oracle database, spooling them to a file and emailing them with mailx. I use the syntax below. The reports do not format properly, unless I use the Courier New font. How do I set this with mailx?

 mailx -s "MY REPORT, `date +'%D %r` " -r "REPORTING SYSTEM"< /mydir/mysql.log > /dev/null

Regular mailx sends pure text mails, which do not include any formatting information. To do this, you'll have to send a HTML mail. For more information check the many many other questions already asked about this, easily accessible through the links at the bottom of this page.

Also, please re-read the rules

Better solution: convert the report to pdf and then send, you can do all the formatting you want, and your decimal points will always line up.