How to calculate with awk

I have below awk statement and I need to convert the second field ( substr($0,8,6))from minutes to hours with 2 decimail place. How can I achieve this?

/usr/bin/awk '{print substr($0,23,4),substr($0,8,6)}' /tmp/MANAGER_LIST.$$ >> /tmp/NEWMANAGER_LIST.$$

Thanks for any help!

might be helpful to see a sample of your '$0'

DD0300312310250588 CA8440300444 220


/usr/bin/nawk '{printf("%s%s%.2f\n", substr($0,23,4), OFS, substr($0,8,6) / 60)}' /tmp/MANAGER_LIST.$$ >> /tmp/NEWMANAGER_LIST.$$

Thank you soooo much for your quick reply!!!!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: