How to calculate time

Hello Guys,
I am trying to calculate total hours and minutes a given user has used the system since the beginning of the current month.

last $1 | grep -w `date "+%b"` | grep -v '\(0[2-9]:.*\)' | grep -vw sshd | cut -c 66-
| tr -d "[ ]\(\)" | cut -f1 -d ":" | grep -v '[a-z].*' | while read line
        hr=`expr "$hr" + "$line"`
        echo User $1 spent total $hr
last $1 | grep -w `date "+%b"` | grep -v '\(0[2-9]:.*\)' | grep -vw sshd | cut -c 66-
| tr -d "[ ]\(\)" | cut -f2 -d ":" | grep -v '[a-z].*' | while read line
        min=`expr "$min" + "$line"`
         if [ $min -ge 60 ]
                min=`expr "$min" - 60`
                hr=`expr "$hr" + 1`
         echo User $1 spent $hr hours and $min minutes the current month.
echo "User $1 spent $hr hours and $min minutes the current month."

My code is working fine. I have problem with variable. I can't use variable outside loop. It showing 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Thanking You,

Please display the output of your "last" command.

Yes, the variable will not be available... this is a known issue... If you see your code, while is piped from the cut command so it has its own shell(subshell) where the execution happens...


One of the advantages that Korn shell has over bash is that this is not a problem for it. If you aren't required to use bash, then you might consider switching and using Kshell.

It's not a "bash" thing, it's an "everything except certain versions of ksh" thing. Demanding a specific version of a specific shell everywhere you go doesn't strike me as a good idea.

Two solutions.

1) temp file:

a | b | c | d > /tmp/$$
while read LINE
done < /tmp/$$
rm /tmp/$$

2) refactor your code so you're not using 9-long pipe chains. This is probably a good idea anyway.

  1. New Features in Bash (4.2)
    t. There is a new `lastpipe' shell option that runs the last command of a pipeline in the current shell context. The lastpipe option has no effect if job control is enabled.

Demanding a specific version of a specific shell everywhere you go doesn't strike me as a good idea.

Hello Guys,

Thanks for your valuable comments. Is there any solution without creating temp file?

My two cents, I would have used awk to process the output. No intermediate file, shell independence, and fewer total processes:

#!/usr/bin/env ksh

last $1 | awk -v month="$(date +%b)" '
   /wtmp/  ||  /still logged in/ || / sshd / { next; }

      NF > 0  &&  $(NF-5) == month {
        gsub( "\\(", "", $NF );         # ditch parens
        gsub( "\\)", "", $NF );

        if( index( $(NF), "+" ) )       # days+hr:min
            split( $NF, b, "+" );       # capture days, leave hr and min in a
            days += b[1];
            split( b[2], a, ":" );
            split( $NF, a, ":" );       # no days, just caputre hr and min

        hr += a[1];
        min += a[2];

    END {
        eh = int( min/60 );     # extra hours
        hr += eh;
        min -= 60 * eh;

        ed = int( hr/24 );      # extra days
        days += ed;
        hr -= 24 * ed;
        printf( " %dd%dh%dm\n", days, hr, min );   # print in XdXmXh notation
exit $?

I do not understand the intent of this part of your pipe: grep -v '\(0[2-9]:.*\)' . Are you only wanting to look at sessions that lasted more than 10 hours or less than 2 hours?

Hi Agama,

Thanks for your reply. My code [code] grep -v '\(0[2-9]:.*\)' filter output if user is logged in more than 2 hours. My code is working. Only value of variable outside loop is bothering me.

Thanking You,