How to calculate average of two columns and copy into another file?

Hi, I need help with the awk command.

I have a folder with aprox 500 files each one with two columns and I want to print in a new file, the average of column 1 and average of column 2 and the name of each file.

Input files are:


100 99
20 99
50 99
50 99


200 85
50 85
100 85

Output file should contain:

namefile-1 55 99
namefile-2 116 85
namefile-3 avcol1 avcol2

I know how to do the average of column 1 for each file but I don't know how to do the rest :frowning:

This is what I use:

 (ls -r | while read filename; do awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR >> "newfile.tsv"}' $filename ; done)

Any ideas?


[user@host ~]$ ls -l file*
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 25 Nov  5 19:59 file1
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 20 Nov  5 19:59 file2
[user@host ~]$ cat
#! /bin/bash

for f in file*
    while read c1 c2
        s1=$(( s1 + c1 ))
        s2=$(( s2 + c2 ))
        (( c++ ))
    done < $f
    echo "Name: $f --> $(( s1 / c )) $(( s2 / c ))"
[user@host ~]$ ./
Name: file1 --> 55 99
Name: file2 --> 116 85
[user@host ~]$

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awk    'FNR==1 && fn        {print fn, sum1/cnt, sum2/cnt; cnt=sum1=sum2=0}
     END             {print fn, sum1/cnt, sum2/cnt}
    ' file1 file2
file1 55 99
file2 116.667 85
ls | while read file
  printf "%s" "$file"
  awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {a+=$i; c++}} END {for (i=1;i in a;i++) printf " %.f",a/c}' "$file"
  echo ""
done > ../newfile

NB put newfile to another directory to ensure that it is not considered by the ls .