How to block IP Neigbours DNS query?

Hi all,

Need help. Is there any way to block to query all the domain names resolving on same IP. By using tools like

I want to show only the domain name if I use IP it should not show any domain name.

Is this a web query block, an IP traffic block, or a DNS query block?

I think it is DNS query block. I don't what to show external work about my DNS record and A-Record assign to that IP.

If I use the tool to DNSStuff it should show blank in DNS record to secure how may domain I am using for that IP
I think it is DNS query block. I don't what to show external world about my dns record and A-Record assign to that IP

In a right world, there would be one A record and one PTR for the ip-name pair. For aggressive web hosting, many names resolve to the same IP, either by CNAME or, sadly, additional A records. Is this a need to block web access to all names that go to one IP? An IP block seems more normal. However, for a group of hosts all using the same DNS servers to reach the Internet, you can place CNAME or A records closer to them that will resolve the name to a different address. I once helped a customer set up an AOL proxy on their firewall that way. Everyone behind the firewall thought the firewall host was also some AOL host due to the misplaced A record on the firewall DNS, and the AOL port was a pass through to the real AOL servers.